Sandy the Sea Dragon

I got to test a pattern! Yay!

I haven’t had the chance to do this for anyone in a while (I did try but the slots filled up QUICK). I’m always making and re-making my own patterns/designs, so following someone else’s pattern is a nice change!

This time around I had the pleasure of testing the Sandy the Sea Dragon pattern by Emma at Emma Crafts Designs. This pattern was tested by myself and three others. We all finished our projects by the first weekend, I believe.

I think that one of the best things about having others test your patterns is seeing the different colors people choose for their project! For this amigurumi, for example, all four of us chose different colors for our main color: green (mine), black, red(dish), and blue!

To be honest, we hardly had to do any pattern changes because it was already almost perfect! I was able to suggest a minor edit involving the tail fins which made it slightly more efficient. 🙂

Thank you so much, Emma, for letting me test your pattern!

You can find the final pattern for sale on Ravelry! Enjoy!

One thought on “Sandy the Sea Dragon

  1. Emma says:

    Thank again so much for testing! and I totally feel you, I’ve been trying to pattern test for some other people and it’s madness, the spots go so fast!

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